Greedy Gracie™ storyline and message spark a new conversation about friendship, leadership and teamwork that centers around delegating as the best way to share responsibility and the joy of giving.

Children learn that we’re all Can-Do Queens and Can-Do Kings with something unique to bring … to the table, the party, the project or the team.

Written by a family therapist in response to growing concerns about bullying and exclusion, the message promotes participation over perfection and cooperation over competition. We’re teaching competitive young leaders like Gracie that the best leaders delegate: They share the jobs, the hats and the happy that comes when everybody gets involved. Thousands of children are learning, along with Gracie, that there is nothing more important than kindness and inclusion.

By inviting one another into the process of giving, a “Do Good-Feel Good Spiral” takes on a life of its own. When we do good, we feel good which inspires more doing and feeling good. And it’s just as important to receive, so that someone else can give.

This practice of give and take leads to greater contribution, connection, communication, consideration, competence and confidence, all of which builds character and community. People who feel good tend to build others up rather than tear them down. It’s that simple. Happy people build healthy communities! And isn’t that what we want for our children and our world?

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Share the Happy Stories

I met Jeanne Rollins at a parent workshop she held at a church on City Island. She shared a quote that I will never forget: "The perfect parent would raise the perfect child completely unfit for society. So we can relax in knowing that the imperfect parent (if not chronic or abusive) leaves room for her children to grow." Nice to know my imperfection is helpful!
Susan R., Parent
Talking about “Greedy Gracie” from Gracie’s perspective as well as the perspective of the people around her is eye opening. Being asked to help makes you feel valued, needed and capable, and Greedy Gracie types deny their friends those wonderful feelings. So when we ask children to perform classroom tasks, we now invite them to choose a friend to help. And the task takes much less time and it is more fun to do.
Jody Glassman, Teacher
When I was running an event at my child’s school I did my best not to be a Greedy Gracie.  I assigned people jobs to do.  I held a visual in my head of me wearing all the hats and I just knew that if I did- they would be too heavy on my head!
Christine G., Pre-School Teacher And Parent
It’s fun and easy to SHARE THE HAPPY at home with our Greedy Gracie Shares The Happy™ book and activities.

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